

SCA Wood Rundvik Sawmill: assembling and installation of the main and auxiliary mechanical equipment and steel structures of the new pellet plant. Installation of the conveyors, mill and other equipment for wood shavings and pellets. Assembling of the storages for wood shavings, discharge mechanisms along with the covering tent. Assembling and installation of the pellet silo, its support frame as well as other steel structures. Installation of the belt conveyor system with total length of ~145 meters along with the support constructions (pylons) and wire suspensions. Rundvik, Sweden.



Installation of the main and auxiliary equipment as well as support-structures for Stora Enso Oyj wood pellet factory. Installation of the feeding conveyors for wood-shavings and pellets. Installation of the main-equipment container, supplemental containers as well as their support frame. Assembly and installation of the raw material silo and its support frame with the unload mechanism. Varkaus, Finland.




Restoration of autoclaves No 3 and 4. Repair of damage caused by steel corrosion and rust erosion using accredited welding technology to reestablish necessary wall thickness of the autoclave shell. Bauroc factory, Ogre.



BY ORDER OF Energy and Environment, Ltd.

Assembly of Josef Schmelter GmbH wood chip pellet plant equipment. Installation of pellet press, chip and pellet feed conveyors, chip mill, filters, as well as other units and auxiliary mechanisms. Assembly of pellet storage and loading silos along with a loading structure. Lennestadt, Germany.



JSC Stora Enso Latvija

Maintenance and repair works of sawmill and pellet plant equipment and metal structures. Launkalne region, Latvia.



Latgranula Ltd.

Disassembly, transfer and assembly of the pellet factory equipment at the new production facility. Installation of wall cladding for the new production building.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.
By order of Industry Service Partner Ltd.:

Installation of an acoustic monitoring system for steam superheater of steam boiler at Riga CHPP-1.

GREN Latvija Ltd. (Fortum) heating plant maintenance and repair works; installation of the water sprinkler system. Daugavpils, Latvia.

Maintenance and repair works:

JSC Rīgas Siltums heating plant “Zasulauks”;

GREN Latvija Ltd. (Fortum) BIO-CHPP – inspection and repair of the safety valves, Jelgava, Latvia.

JSC Latvijas Finieris, factory “Lignums” – dryer repair;

SIA Kronospan Rīga.


JSC Stora Enso Latvija

Installation of the main and auxiliary equipment for the new woodchip pellet plant. Pellet presses (2 pcs.), Chip mill, chip and pellet conveyors etc. and manufacturing of their steel supports. Assembly and installation of chip and pellet silos as well as other steel structures.

After the end of the project – inspection of new equipment, periodic adjustment, re-touch and maintenance.

“Launkalne Sawmill” equipment maintenance and repair works.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.



Graanul Invest Energy Ltd.

Repair of the biomass fuel supply equipment at the biomass power plant. Launkalne region, Latvia.


By the order of EMPOWER Ltd.:

Participation in Siemens GTX-100 gas turbine inspection/maintenance and modernization works, Riga CHPP-1, Latvia.


By the order of BSL Pro Ltd.

Participation in repair and maintenance works of the sawmill equipment at “Binderholz Nordic Oy”, Lieksa, Finland.


JSC Stora Enso Latvija

Assembling of sawmill equipment at Launkalne.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.


LATGRAN pellet factory in Jekabpils

Replacement of closing cone of the furnace.


LATGRAN pellet factory in Jaunjelgava

Installation of filter


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

High pressure cylinder replacement works at Loviisa NPP (Finland) TG-3, Shutoff valves’ screens modernization works at Loviisa NPP (Finland) TG-1,2,3.


Z tower – Daugavgrivas 9, Riga

Laying of the welded steel pipe in the air conditioning system on site.


Z tower – Daugavgrivas 9, Riga

Laying of the welded steel pipe in the air conditioning system on site.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

High pressure cylinder replacement works at Loviisa NPP (Finland) TG-1, TG-4.


“Rīgas Ūdens”, Riga, Dzintara 60

Assembling of pipeline and equipment systems within boiler house reconstruction project


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

High pressure cylinder replacement works at Loviisa NPP (Finland) TG-1, TG-4.


CHP plant “Juglas Jauda”, Riga

Assembly of the power boiler, its pipe network and feed pumps


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Waste separation station in Grobina region

Assembling of metal constructions and technological equipment.


Waste separation station in Grobina region

Assembling of metal constructions and technological equipment.


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.


Latgran 4th pellet factory in Gulbene region

Assembling of metal constructions and technological equipment as a part of erection.


Latgran 4th pellet factory in Gulbene region

Assembling of metal constructions and technological equipment as a part of erection.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inspection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.


Riga’s HPS-2

Reconstruction works of air suction on hot-water boilers No. 1 and No.2.


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Riga’s HPS-2

Assembling of steam turbine as part of the second stage of reconstruction of new unit.


Riga’s HPS-2

Mechanical equipment repair service works at Riga’s HPS-2 new and old blocks.


Riga’s HPS-2

Assembling of steam turbine as part of the second stage of reconstruction of new unit.


Fortum Power and Heat Oy Loviisa NPP

Annual inscpection and maintenance of the steam turbogenerators TG-1…TG-4. Loviisa, Finland.



AS Liepajas Metalurgs (Liepaja)

inspection, repair and maintenance of electric motors types ПС600/140, СДС 3174912 УХЛ4.


Keratsini HPP, Piraeus (Athens, Greece)

Taking part in disassembling of the old PA-2 (high pressure heater) and assembling of the new one at block 8 of Keratsini HPP.


Latgran pellet factory in Kraslava

Participation in an overall erection of pellet factory (assembling of furnace, dryer, grinding machine, pipeline, steam pipeline, assembling of electric motors, electric drives and other auxiliary equipment).


Riga’s Heating Power Plant Nr. 1 and Nr. 2

  • modernization of turbine units, overhaul and routine repair, maintenance of turbines Т-100/120-130-3 and steam-to-gas boilers;
  • modernization of hot-water boiler, repair and maintenance (including overhaul) of feeding electric pumps and other technological equipment.

AS Liepajas Metalurgs (Liepaja)

inspection, repair and maintenance of electric motors types ПС600/140, СДС 3174912 УХЛ4.


Latgran pellet factory in Kraslava

Participation in an overall erection of pellet factory (assembling of furnace, dryer, grinding machine, pipeline, steam pipeline, assembling of electric motors, electric drives and other auxiliary equipment).


Riga’s Heating Power Plant Nr. 1 and Nr. 2

Modernization of turbine units, overhaul and routine repair, maintenance of turbines Т-100/120-130-3 and steam-to-gas boilers; modernization of hot-water boiler, repair and maintenance (including overhaul) of feeding electric pumps and other technological equipment.


AS Liepajas Metalurgs (Liepaja)

inspection, repair and maintenance of electric motors types ПС600/140, СДС 3174912 УХЛ4.


Riga’s Heating Power Plant Nr. 1 and Nr. 2

Modernization of turbine units, overhaul and routine repair, maintenance of turbines Т-100/120-130-3 and steam-to-gas boilers; modernization of hot-water boiler, repair and maintenance (including overhaul) of feeding electric pumps and other technological equipment.


AS Rīgas Siltums (Riga)

Modernization of smoke exhausters and fans on hot-water boiler KVGM-100, overhaul of pumps.



AS Liepajas Metalurgs (Liepaja)

Inspection, repair and maintenance of electric motors types ПС600/140, СДС 3174912 УХЛ4.


Riga’s Heating Power Plant Nr. 2.

Assembling of power engineering equipment at the new thermal generation set.


Latgran pellet factory in Jekabpils

Assembling of technological equipment.


Bolderaja Ltd. (Riga)

Repair of technological equipment.


Lodes Kiegelis brick factory (Liepa)

Repair of technological equipment.


AS Liepajas Metalurgs (Liepaja)

Inspection, repair and maintenance of electric motors types ПС600/140, СДС 3174912 УХЛ4.


Cemex cement factory (Broceni)

Service repair of furnaces, coal grinding mills and other technological equipment.

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